Green Hill Cemetery
Walking Tour

1202 18th Street  ♦  Bedford, Indiana

Walking Tour of Green Hill Cemetery

Stop #32 - Frank Arena, Jr.

Frank Arena, Jr. was born in Brooklyn, New York to Italian immigrant stone carver, Frank Arena Sr.

At age 18, Frank Jr. began his four-year apprenticeship, working for his father.  One of his first jobs was to help his father carve the pillars for the Masonic Temple building in Bedford.

As master carver, Arena produced many stately monuments over his career.  His favorite was "Washington Crossing the Delaware", presented as Indiana's contribution to the American Revolution Bicentennial celebration in 1976.  The historic monument depicts General Washington, in a shallow draft boat, crossing the Deleware River during a storm on December 25, 1776.  It is located at the Washington Crossing Inn, near the intersection of River Road and George Washington Memorial Blvd. in Washington Crossing, PA.

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